Thursday 14 October 2021

Take a deep Breath

Orang berfikir dan terfikir...

Assalammualaikum and hi👋

Just want to say, 

"Urus manusia ni bukan mudahkan", 

If one day i have HR in company or at work , i will love you, just because im proud of u guys. 

Oh Allah did u hear me? I know you there. Just me cant see u.

Forgive me and protect me. Please guide me along the way.

Thank you for writing. 

Thank you for visiting. 

Thank you for reading. 

I hope everyone yang ada masalah dipermudahkan urusan dan percaya: tiada yang kekal di dunia ni. So, relax, take a deep breath, everything  will go away, and also will comeback but in difference perspective. 

Termasuklah masalah awak. Just sabr. sabr. and sabr. 

Syoknya menulis while listening to my music playlist.

Lama kita tak menulis. Lets writing. Its healing u 🎕


p/s: masih adakah pengguna blog yang aktif?ðŸĪ”